FUEL MANAGEMENT-Σεμινάρια στην Οργάνωση και ΔιοίκησηWho should attend:

The topics presented and discussed at the course are of interest and useful to sea going and shore-based staff, technical as well as operational.
The course covers a vast spectre of fuel related problems, economical as well as practical and is well suited for personnel to be engaged or are engaged in fuel related subjects.
The topics are similarly useful to personnel already engaged in the selling and purchasing of fuels, i.e. fuel suppliers, traders, brokers and purchasing personnel

Delegates will be given a set of course notes electronically and one book on “Marine Fuels” (2018) by Mr. Stamatopoulos.

Certificate: Delegates having completed the course successfully will be awarded Certificate of Attendance

Payment: All courses are prepaid before commence of the seminar.

Τόπος διεξαγωγής: BUREAU VERITAS HELLAS MAE, Etolikou 23, 18545, Piraeus / VIRTUAL COURSE (Through Adobe Connect OR Ms Teams)

Στοιχεία σεμιναρίου

Έναρξη 27-04-2021 08:45
Λήξη 27-04-2021 17:00
Χωρητικότητα Απεριόριστο
Λήξη εγγραφών 19-04-2021
Τιμή ατόμου Κατόπιν επικοινωνίας
Διοργανωτής Bureau Veritas
Τόπος διεξαγωγής Εξ' αποστάσεως
Πόλη Εξ' αποστάσεως
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