THREE APPROACHES TO RESOLVING DISPUTES: interests, rights, and power - integration in contractual disputes using agile negotiations

TUV Hellas newCourse Objectives

The Agony of Decision.
A useful strategic framework.
Understanding the essence of disputes.
Analysis of interests, rights, and power into a dispute context.
Contract Disputes: Implementing agile contract negotiations.

Course Content

Point 1: Strategy
Mental Readiness & Leadership in a Crisis.
Holistic Strategic Framework (Lelidis Concept®).

Point 2: Three Approaches to Resolving Disputes

Point 3: Contract Disputes
Contract Negotiations (a useful tool for resolving contract disputes).
The right mindset: Integrated the three approaches into the negotiation process.

Point 4: Case - Study
Negotiation of a contract amendment.

Previous experience in contract management is desirable but not mandatory.

Who should attend
Lawyers / In-house Counsel.
Special advisors who participate as external partners in the management of business contracts.
Directors and members of Contracting and Procurement Divisions, as well as engineers – economists involved in the management of complex contracts.

NOTE: The structure of the masterclass is dedicated for upskilling.

Tutor: Anestis V. Lelidis

Στοιχεία σεμιναρίου

Έναρξη 26-08-2024 16:00
Λήξη 26-08-2024 20:00
Χωρητικότητα 30
Τιμή ατόμου Κατόπιν επικοινωνίας
Διοργανωτής TÜV HELLAS
Τόπος διεξαγωγής Εξ' αποστάσεως
Πόλη Εξ' αποστάσεως
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